
Showing posts from September, 2017

IT (2017) Review

IT (2017) Review J.R I just want to start off this one with a little PSA: The opening logos are the universal signal that the movie has started and that you should stop talking. Thanks. It's hard to even know where to begin. At the time of writing this, IT has a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 85%, with the consensus congratulating the film for its actors, scares and the "emotionally-affecting story at its core", holds an 8 out of 10 on IMDb, and apparently 87% of Google users like the film (but I'm not sure anybody cares about that rating). In my humble opinion , these are all very, very wrong. This film is a bizarre mess that fails on every level for which critics seem to be congratulating it. Characters In horror films, having characters the audience are attached to is crucial, and this is proven harder by the audience not wanting to sympathise with horror characters, knowing they are only monster-chow. This is something IT does...relatively well with. Sort

2001: A Space Oddesy (1968) Review

2001: A Space Oddesy (1968) J.R There's no mistaking this picture for any other director. From the groundbreaking visuals to the brilliant storytelling to the slightly...confusing ending, this is definitely one of Kubrick's finest. It definitely fits into my top ten somewhere, as a virtually flawless masterpiece. Adapted from Arthur C. Clarke's short story 'The Sentinel', later to be the novel '2001: A Space Oddesy' based on the screenplay he and Kubrick wrote, this film tells the story of a strange Monolith which changed human evolution, but we spend the bulk of the film watching a Jupiter-bound spaceship containing an AI computer, HAL, two conscious crew members and many others in some form of stasis. Visuals and Sound From the 360 °  run onboard the ship to the somehow terrifying monolith, this is a visual marvel. It's rare to find a movie nearing its fiftieth anniversary and still have to take a couple of minutes to contemplate how certai

13 Reasons Why (2017) Review

13 Reasons Why (Review) 2017 J.R This is the one and only time I will admit my secret shame. I love a few teen dramas. The cheesy stories, the cut-out-characters, the ridiculous romances, they all appeal to me in a "guilty pleasure" way. While '13 Reasons Why' undeniably takes elements and inspiration from this subgenre, it certainly distinguishes itself as a hard-hitting, honest, brave, well-made and superior series. There's lots of good about it, but like every series, there's a little it could improve on, and these are the three topics I was most interested in: The Controversy As you likely know,  '13 Reasons Why' received much backlash for its dark subject matter inappropriate for younger viewers. The main issue people seem to have with the series is the way in which it represents suicide. The main character Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) slits her wrists in her bathtub and bleeds to death. Personally, I don't think the series d